Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Habibie Afsyah, disabled from indonesian who succeed in business on line

I have often read the name Habibie Afsyah in the world of Online Business Indonesia. Reportedly he is one of Indonesia (disabled) who managed to get a $ 2000 commission from Amazon.com.
But the news page only I read a cursory course without the desire to find out more who actually the figure of Habibie Afsyah. Until one day I was immediately interested to read his profile after a free book entitled "MY WEAKNESS IS MY POWER".

The story of that free book I got from Suwandi Chow when upgrading membership in KayaFariMacebookMarketing became a paid member. Plus I ask to send all KayaDariFacebook Marketing material which amounts to 12 videos and Ebook tsb to the house by adding postage.
The process of getting the material CD Rich FromFacebookMarketing to my home is very fast, just 1-2 days after paying the postage and confirmation of payment.
In addition to the free book on Habibie Afsyah's Profile, the CD package also includes the book "Blueprint of Success" by Motivator Tommy Siawira. Really the price of upgrades to paid members is very balanced with the material gained and Bonus 2 Physical Books are very motivating.
Actually 2 Books of Motivation they may be purchased at Gramedia Bookstore, but with upgrade to paying member in KayaDariFacebookMarketing (plus postage), we just accept the book they will be at home.
Why I want to Upgrade my membership in Rich FromFacebookMarketing?
Because I want to learn to get Prospects / members of the abundance of facebook members who already numbered more than 300 million people. If Facebook members from Indonesia have reached 10 million more. I see the way in which Suwandi Chow has increased the number of visitors to his website drastically and for free again.
Armed with the guide of Video and Ebook Suwandi Chow, I am compiling the "Fan page" page for BisnisDavit and "Group" for SecretWebsiteFriends on Facebook. But I admit I am still learning as you go .. he .. he .. he ..!

Okay, go back to the Book of Life (Autobiography) about Habibie Afsyah who encouraged me to write an article on this Blog. The autobiographical book written by Habibie Afsyah describes his history from birth, the challenge of life as a disabled person, to finding his world of success as an online businessman.
You may be surprised to learn that Habibie Afsyah has been successful Online businessman at the age of 21 years (when his book was made in 2009). In his young age, Habibie has established "Habibie Afsyah Foundation" to raise the lives of people with disabilities like him. Habibie was born a plump and healthy baby who kept his parents unsuspecting about his son's physical state.

Only at 8 months old, his parents begin to suspect because little Habibie has not been able to crawl like any other normal baby. Habibie begins to be brought to the doctor by his mother to know the cause of the delayed physical development tsb.

After being taken to various hospitals and met with many doctors, it is known that Habibie suffered from Muscular Dystrophy Progressive Backer disease.

There are abnormalities in Habibie's small brain that cause the development of motor nerves disrupted, so that growth is hampered and experienced abnormalities. There is even a doctor who predicts his age is only up to 25 years.

Habibie is often taken everywhere by the Mother for treatment, either to a specialist, or to alternative medicine. All done his mother in order to get healing for the Son. Even Habibie was brought special therapy by entering his body into a kind of box. Her feet were inserted in special shoes with iron supports.

But Habibie feels the treatment process is very painful. In every therapy around 15-30 minutes little Habibie is always crying; "Mama's sick, sick. Udah ma, Dede want to, "he cried. Due to Habibie's painful therapy, his groin was released from his bowl. And it makes the growth of his legs become unbalanced. Habibie's legs became long-sided.

But the disability has taught Habibie to sincerely accept God's given circumstances. It can be accepted with what it is.
What makes it very hard is the challenge of life to get the proper treatment from the surrounding environment. Indeed he felt the discrimination when you want to register to school, want to enjoy a holiday in tmp tours with family, and so forth.

Some schools have no reason to have facilities to accommodate wheelchair disabled children to study in normal schools. Habibie's mother is struggling everywhere to find a place of education for his son. Including one when enrolling Habibie on the Internet Marketing Basic Course for 2 days with a teacher from Singapore, Mr. Fabian Lim.
The story after struggling with the struggle to be able to graduate from high school, Habibi did not continue his education to a higher level.
She enrolled her mother to join the Internet Marketing Basic Course. The cost is quite large, Rp. 5 million. After the Internet Marketing Basic Course they will be, Habibie said he did not know what to do because he felt totally blind about the field he just learned. He feels a big zero for this internet marketing field. Moreover, courses are given in English and use the translation (tanslator).

Habibie is often open the internet, but it's just to play online games as a filler busy at home. He said Used computers are also still ride on his brother's computer.

Habibie's confusion has not been exhausted yet, after a few months later, Habibie is rejoined by his mother to take an advanced course in Internet Marketing with the same speaker from Singapore, Fabian Liem. Actually Habibie had refused because it was uncomfortable to see his mother had to sell his rental car just so he could join the training page. Because the advanced course fee reached Rp. 15 millions.
He had a chance to argue with his mother, but his mother still encouraged Habibie and encouraged him to succeed. "Let's just say you're in college," she said. Finally with his mum's encouragement, Habibie would also take the expensive course.
In the advanced course, Habibie follows "lectures" every 2 weeks for 3 months. In this course the first time Habibie became acquainted with Suwandi Chow, over the course (Translator) course from English to Bahasa Indonesia.
After studying 3 weeks, Habibie managed to get the first sale from Amazon.com dg PS3 Game Products. Although his commission was only $ 24, Habibie was unhappy because it was the first time this could make money from the internet. On this first commission Habibie actually losses because advertising costs greater than the commission.
But Habibie kept trying until he could earn commissions $ 124, $ 500, $ 1000, and $ 2000 from Amazon. All require consistent learning and practice. The money earned from Amazon used Habibie to attend other internet marketing courses, such as Eprofitmatrix, Dokterpim, and Indonesia Bootcamp.

From internet marketing courses and practices, Habibie was able to publish the Amazon Success Guide Ebook and create a Home Listing site (rumah101.com). Habibie was also asked to become a Trainer in Eprofitmatrix with his Master, Suwandi Chow. That was the first time Habibie became a Trainer seminar even though he was still 20 years old.

Since then, Habibie has often been invited to be an internet marketing seminar speaker on campuses, to newspapers, tabloids and magazines. Habibie's summit was invited to Kick Andy's show on Metro TV on the episode of "Unlimited Love"

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