Monday, March 12, 2018


Full Name: Nyi Ageng Serang

Alias: Raden Ajeng Kustiyah Wulaningsih Retno Edi

Profession: National Hero


Place of Birth: Serang, Jawa Tengah

Indonesian citizens

Father: Prince Natapraja

A brave woman born in Serang, Banten was once a special ordinary woman. He is a descendant of Sunan Kalijaga, besides he is a warlord from Sri Sultan hamengkubuwuno to I named original Raden Ajeng (RA) Kustiyah Wulaningsih Retno Edhi or now better known as Nyi Ageng Serang. He obtained his great name when he became the master of attack. This is triggered by his persistence against the invaders since childhood. Since his son was accustomed to war. He always helps in formulating the stance of war against invaders. Nyi Agent is a special woman who makes a special and different from most women at that time. Biography of Nyi Ageng Serang is very impressive.

First because he is brave. He was the attacking lady who was called Nyi Ageng Serang. He did not flinch against the invaders who tried to control his homeland in attack. He always tried to fight the invaders with the heart at the expense of body and soul for the independence of the nation's main land of his birth. He even continued to fight for the land of his birth until he died. That's why the biography of Nyi Ageng Serang is made.

In the future he also has a descendant named Ki hajar dewantara or father of education Indonesia. he is a woman with a line that is not only good but also the only descendant of life for the progress and independence of the nation and country. He had even become a warlord and was not afraid to go to war with soldiers men who at the same time defend Indonesia from foreign invasion attacks. He was not even afraid for the independence of his native land. It is worth the biography of Nyi Ageng Serang there to commemorate his service coat in Java especially attacking land.

Furthermore, from the biography of Nyi Ageng Serang is his persistence until he was elderly. Did you know that Nyi Ageng Serang was still fighting even though he was 73 years old. He followed the Diponegoro war at that time to fight and expel the Dutch colonists from our land. He was weaker than he was when he was young.

Finally he was guided by using a stretcher in leading the big war. He still insisted on going to war. Until finally when his body became weaker he finally retreated from the battlefield and chose to rest. In 1828 he breathed his last breath due to illness in his native land. He had left the land of attack with freedom from the occupiers of that time.

If you are visiting Kulon Progo regency, Serang, Banten, precisely at the main center of Kulon Progo,
You can see a statue of a woman riding a horse and carrying a spear and a flag in her hand.

It is Nyi Ageng Serang, a hero from Serang Banten who became one of the women fighters who persevered in fighting for independence against the invaders in the area Kulon Progo.
Nyi Ageng Serang has the full name of Raden Kustiyah Wulaningsih Retno Edi. Born in Serang, Year 1720, an area in Sragen regency which is the boundary region of Central Java and East Java. This area is about 40 km from Surakarta.

Nyi Ageng Serang is the daughter of Prince Natapraja, a ruler of Serang, Central Java who is also the Warlord of Sultan Hamengku Buwoni I.
Nyi Ageng is also one of the descendants of Sunan Kalijaga. In addition, he is also a grandson who would make a hero ie, R. Soewardi Surjaningrat or Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Deviating from strong customs, Nyi Ageng Serang is a woman who diligently follows military exercises and battle tactics along with male soldiers. He also often follow his father down to the battlefield to fight the invaders. Until, after his father's death, he was subsequently appointed to replace the position of his father as leader of Serang.

During his leadership many people starved and experienced the misery caused by the Dutch invaders. He always helps the misery of his people by handing out food. In addition, he continued to fight physically to drive the Dutch troops from his homeland.

With his persistent struggle to liberate Serang from the Dutch colonizers. In 1828, Nyi Ageng exhaled his last breath at the age of 76 years. He left Serang as Merdeka area. For his services to the State, Nyi Ageng Serang was confirmed as a National Hero.

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